6 research outputs found

    The use of digital tools in interdisciplinary projects of students’ personal and professional self-development

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    The article reveals the problem of using digital tools in the context of blended and distance learning. The purpose of the study - to prove the effectiveness of using digital tools in interdisciplinary projects of students` personal and professional self-development. Different approaches in modern scientific discourse of above mentioned problem are highlighted. Groups of digital tools that should be used at each stage of the interdisciplinary project is specified and characterized. The article contains author's practical developments and examples on using digital tools to fulfill the tasks of educational disciplines, which are integrated in interdisciplinary projects, implemented in the process of researching the scientific topic "Psychological and pedagogical support of personal and professional development of future teachers in the implementation of new educational standards". The results of the empirical study of the effectiveness of using digital tools in interdisciplinary projects are summarized according to certain indicators: value-motivated, cognitive, self-learning, procedural, self-movement. The purpose has been achieved by comparing quantitative and qualitative assessments of the dynamics of indicators of high level students’ personal and professional self-development in control and experimental groups. The statistical significance of the study results has been verified by applying Student t-criterion. It has been proved that as a result of using digital tools in the interdisciplinary project the students of the experimental group significantly increased the level of personal and professional self-development

    Practices of psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal and professional development in the conditions of distance learning

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    The article highlights the intermediate results of the research "Psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal and professional development in the conditions of new educational standards’ implementation in Ukraine". Various theoretical aspects as well as adapted and original practices are characterized. The experience of the authors regarding the implementation of the components - value-worldview, process-activity, emotional-resource during the motivational-cognitive, constructive-active, reflective-prognostic, value-identification stages is highlighted. Effective author's practices are presented - adaptation trainings, portfolio of personal and professional growth in the context of performance of work functions; formation of end-to-end skills of future teachers by means of digital technologies and tools (GDocs, GMeet, Zoom, Canva, MindMeister, Mentimeter, digital boards); adaptation of active learning technologies in the distance learning format (case-technologies, game, project technologies, SWOT analysis). A complex of technologies (role-playing games, training technologies, art-therapy) is presented, which contribute to the development of the emotional intelligence of future teachers in the context of the formation of professional competencies - psychological, emotional-ethical, reflective, psycho-emotional. The research was carried out in an interdisciplinary scientific field, which requires next stages of the scientific search for correction, generalization of the results of psychological and pedagogical support of future teachers’ personal and professional development

    Formation of Research Competence of the Primary School Teacher in the Process of Historical and Pedagogical Studies Functioning

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    У статті за результатами теоретичного аналізу джерел розкрито підходи сучасних українських науковців до визначення сутності та структури поняття «дослідницька компетентність». З’ясовано, що це поняття трактується як інтегрована якість особистості, формування якої сприяє здатності та готовності майбутніх учителів початкової школи здійснювати науковий пошук, моделювати процеси і явища на основі здобутих знань. У статті презентовано досвід формування дослідницької компетентності вчителя початкової школи у процесі функціонування історико-педагогічних студій. Участь студентів у роботі історико-педагогічних студій сприяє розвиткові в них дослідницьких компетенцій, а саме: уміння працювати з історико-педагогічними джерелами, аналізувати, диференціювати, узагальнювати, моделювати процеси і явища, проектувати алгоритм власної науково-пошукової діяльності.Modernization of the education system, including primary school is possible for change approaches to preparing competitive specialist. At this time takes place the transformation of personal and professional requirements for training a primary school teacher, based on the principles of active, learner-centered, competence approaches. The content of training for primary school provides the integration of theoretical and practical component input to curriculum research components which in turn updates the formation of research competence of a primary school teacher. The analysis made it possible to find sources of theoretical approaches of contemporary Ukrainian researchers to determine the nature and structure of the concept of «research competence». It was established that in the modern scientific use the term «research competence» has no single interpretation. However, most researchers are unanimous in their opinion that this concept is an integrated quality of individual, which promotes the formation ability of future primary school teachers to carry out research, simulate processes and phenomena based on acquired knowledge. It is important for disclosures of the outlined problem is to determine the structure of the research competence. The article is based on research competence framework developed by H. Ivanyuk, which provides: methodological, motivational-value, procedural, technical and reflective components. The paper presented the experience of forming research competence of a primary school teacher in the process of historical and pedagogical studies functioning. Participation of students in the historical and pedagogical studies contributes to the development of their research competencies such as: the ability to work with historical and pedagogical sources, analyze, differentiate, compile, simulate processes and phenomena, design the algorithm of their own research activities. Formation of research competence takes place in the process of research work of students at the Pedagogical Museum of Ukraine, archival institutions and libraries. Publication of the data occurs in the course of teaching sessions of Historical Studies, while writing student papers, bachelor's, master's theses. Beliefs mobility, the ability to produce new ideas, introduce new technologies and adapt learning to model and design the learning environment are indicators of research competence, which is formed in the process of studying academic disciplines, and in the operation of this form of extracurricular work as historical and pedagogical studies

    Regulatory Support of Preschool Education Development in Ukraine (Second Half of XX - Beginning of XXI Century)

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    У статті подано результати впливу державного регулювання на визначення видів і структур дошкільних навчальних закладів. Аналіз нормативно-правових джерел в історико-педагогічному контексті дав змогу дослідити динаміку та особливості реформування мережі дошкільних закладів у досліджуваний період.In the article according to the analysis of legal sources in historical and pedagogical content represented characteristics and the effects of state regulation of the types and structures of preschools, kindergartens network dynamics, features of their reform

    Using Internet Resources in Future Teachers' Personal and Professional Development

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    У статті актуалізовано необхідність цілеспрямованого особистісно-професійного розвитку педагогів відповідно до особистісних намірів, запитів суспільства й нової стратегії фахової підготовки. Виокремлено ключові компоненти особистісно-професійного розвитку майбутніх педагогів, серед яких чільне місце належить формування здатностей до самопізнання, саморозвитку й самовдосконалення впродовж життя. Подано особливості використання інформаційних технологій в особистісно-професійному розвитку майбутніх учителів початкової школи та вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти. Визначено основні наскрізні вміння (цифрові, дослідницькі, критичне мислення та рефлексія), розвиток яких сприяю формування здатності й готовності здійснювати пошук необхідної інформації, продукування нових знань для особистісно-професійного вивищення.The article dwells on the necessity for purposive personal and professional teacher training according to personal intentions, social expectations and a new strategy of professional training. Main contents and the core of the concept “future teachers' personal and professional development” is characterized. In the article, these concepts are considered as a complex multifaceted process aimed at forming general and professional competences of future teachers, development of their personal meanings, the components of which are the desire for self-knowledge and self-development, professional excellence, the ability and willingness to respond to the challenges of time, to develop their own trajectory of professional and personal growth. Moreover, key components of the concept are distinguished. Among them, one of the most crucial is formation of lifelong abilities to self-knowledge, self-development, and self-improvement. Peculiarities of using ICT technologies in the personal and professional development of both future primary school teachers and teachers of preschool education institutions are presented. The article generalizes results of the empirical research conducted among students and teachers-practitioners proving the necessity for a focused and systematic work on the formation of the first year students' skills in working with the most common e-services (learningapps.org, prezi.com, calameo.com, wordart.com, coggle.it, padlet.com, etc.). The scientific discourse dwells on the experience of using network resources in student's educational and extra-curricular activities in the higher education institution. Particularly, when writing Bachelor's, Master's researchers, doing their self-study tasks in psychological and pedagogical subjects, and during pedagogical practices. The major cross-curricular skills (digital, research, critical thinking and reflection) are defined in the article. Their development promotes the ability and readiness to search for necessary information, creating new knowledge for personal and professional development. Peculiarities of using electronic resources for self-knowledge and self-development of future teachers in the Center of Competencies at Pedagogical Institute of Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University are emphasized